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Become a Gather Practitioner

Commit to making a difference

Joining our community of therapists, trainers and facilitators means finding belonging in a group of radically ethical, socially conscious, future orientated individuals.  Private practice counsellors too often work in an isolated and disconnected set-up and lack the support and connection of colleagues.  How can we support the growth of meaningful belonging, when we don't experience it ourselves?


As a Gather practitioner you will receive reduced rate room rental, support in developing and maintaining your practice in a way that matches your values and​access to our monthly facilitated fish bowl events where you can continue to grow your understanding and expertise. You will feature on our website as a vetted, trusted therapist who works in line with the Gather vision.  Through this you will receive referrals and your clients will have access to the funded community groups that we develop and you will be supported in setting up and running a therapeutic community group that meets your own need for meaningful pursuits and sharing of passion and also provides a source of income.  In addition you will be part of a platform for discussing the future of therapy and how it can engage with the worlds greatest problems in more effective ways.  


In return, you commit a percentage of your hours to our low cost therapy service.  Clients who cannot afford your usual fees will receive the support they need and their reduced fee will go towards funding our projects and community groups.  You can also use our Robin Hood fee structure in your practice which allows for those who can and wish to, to pay more than your usual fee in order to subsidise someone else on low income. This can provide further funding for the philanthropic work of Gather.


If you would like to visit and meet with us to discuss your potential involvement.  Please get in touch.



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