The Gather Rooms
Transformative Spaces Hosting a Community of Change
The Gather Rooms in Lewes, East Sussex, consist of 3 exceptional connecting spaces for therapists, trainers, workshop facilitators, community groups and intentional gatherers. With the help of biophilic and human-centred interior designer Susannah Mackin, we have intentionally created healing spaces that connect us with nature and kickstart healing and homecoming from first arrival. There are different options for getting involved - from simple room hire for your private practice to becoming one of our practitioners and joining our cause, with opportunities to collaborate with others and create something larger than the sum of its parts.  Have a peruse below and get in touch.

Room Hire
Transformative Spaces
Our 3 room practice is situated in a beautiful and tranquil location a stone's throw from the edge of Lewes. The converted Granary that is home to The Gather Rooms is full of rustic charm and earthy vibes. There is ample parking and there are public transport links with Brighton, Uckfield and Tunbridge Wells.
We have one small office/therapy room, ideal for one to one work, couples sessions or as breakout room for workshops and meetings. Our medium sized room can also be used for family therapy or small groups of up to 6-8. Our large room can be used as a workshop space and is ideal for circle gatherings or training of up to 20 people. All our rooms are ideal for therapists, workshop facilitators, group organisers and community groups.
Join Us in Making a Difference
Community of Changemakers
At Gather, we are deeply committed to helping people find their way back to themselves, to each other and to a wider sense of belonging and agency in the world. We strongly suspect that when practitioners themselves experience belonging and community in their professional and personal lives, they can assist clients in summoning similar in theirs. Therefore at Gather we are growing the antidote to the isolation of private practice.
We also believe that as practitioners we are ethically obliged to make our services accessible to all. Alongside an innovative low-cost service, Gather is working to pioneer new, profoundly ethical ways of therapy engaging with the community that foster not only personal growth but also social transformation.
Gather practitioners are supported via reduced rate room costs, advertisement & referrals, collaboration, monthly practice guidance meetings and more. Click below to find out more about how you can get involved.