More About Us
Creating Courageous Community
At Gather, we believe that human beings are meant to belong: to ourselves, our family, our local community, our global community and our planet. Like so many others we recognise that we are becoming ever more isolated and disconnected and we have perceived the dangerous outcomes that occur when people begin connecting solely with those who mirror back sameness. We have forgotten how to belong to each other and also be different and disagree. Gather was founded to address this major issue of our time. Our diverse community of practitioners are not cut from the same cloth but we all share in common a commitment to personal authenticity and social responsibility.
We are at home in Lewes, East Sussex, where our innovative therapy service supports low-cost sessions and suffering is seen as an issue beyond the individual. We specialise in group work which brings not only alleviation of personal suffering but also helps us relearn how to belong with each other whilst maintaining our differences.
Beyond therapy, we are proud to host and facilitate Courageous Conversations in the community, where we tackle the most difficult topics and taboos of our time with an emphasis on hearing and valuing all views.
We also offer our expertise in gathering with purpose to community groups or individuals with big ideas. We can help you host and facilitate the kind of gatherings that will connect and effect change.
Please take a look around. You are welcome here.