Gather Community
Gather Community
For Therapists, Trainers & Facilitators who want to collaborate and co-work towards effecting greater social change.
It is hard to write a description of what this community is because it does not yet exist. The invitation you find here was born out of the founder's acute sense of dissatisfaction about the state of the world and the lack of true belonging that people - including therapists and facilitators - experience. It is an invitation to join a dialogue, to build a community based not on sameness but on a commitment to the following values:
Personal Transformation
Social Transformation
If you are passionate about these themes, if you believe that therapeutic work could do more beyond the individual, to help foster true belonging, not just adaptation, but you're not quite sure how, then welcome - we don't exactly know yet either. Below is our online Forum and we will have monthly in-person meetings too. Please sign up, comment, discuss. Find others to work with here, find a community and a professional home.